Beware Ladies, Breast Nipple Pain Can Be Caused By Infection - Healthy Is Smart


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Friday, November 2, 2018

Beware Ladies, Breast Nipple Pain Can Be Caused By Infection

Have you ever experienced pain in your nipples? Painful nipples are often experienced by women.

As for the causes of self-sore nipples can vary. Starting from the friction in the bra used, sexual stimulation that is too rough, atopic allergies or dermatitis, hormonal changes to the presence of infection.

Launching from page, infection of the nipple itself often occurs due to several things. Starting from a wound due to friction, scratching the nipple due to itching due to allergies, or can be irritation due to breastfeeding.

Regarding this infection, this can be fatal if not treated or treated immediately. Infection can also get worse and make the nipple more worrying if left unchecked. Generally, the infection of the nipple can be seen from the nipple feeling like burning, pain and discomfort.

Nipples that experience infection will often be pink or bright reddish. Nipples will also fester, there are wounds and some other problems. If you experience this condition, immediately see a doctor.

Treatment and treatment that is carried out faster can make the nipple infection immediately overcome. This can also prevent the risk of other more dangerous diseases in the nipples and breasts.

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