5 Strangest Phobias in the World: Maybe You Have One of Them! - Healthy Is Smart


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Sunday, November 11, 2018

5 Strangest Phobias in the World: Maybe You Have One of Them!

A phobia is a sense of excess that a person feels towards a thing or a phenomenon. Usually, phobias are caused by a sense of trauma or other things. To be sure, no one in the world is free of phobias because in this world there are more than 500 types of phobias. Some of the strangest phobias you might even know!

1. Domatophobia

Patients with this phobia usually isolate themselves from the surrounding environment. But, he felt afraid if he had to stay at home. He must live in a cave or in a natural cage. That sounds ridiculous, but this is fatal.

2. Ichthyphobia

Fish is a vitamin-rich food, but Ichthyphobia sufferers are very scared of fish. He was afraid when he saw a very large fish eye and a slimy fish body. As much as possible he will avoid the sea or food made from fish.

3. Arachibutyrophobia

The sufferers of this phobia cannot enjoy the delicious peanut butter. He would be embarrassed if he ate peanut butter, which then stuck to the top of his mouth. Therefore, as much as possible he will avoid eating peanut butter for life.

4. Venustraphobia

All guys must love pretty girls. But unfortunate for Venustraphobia sufferers, because he actually feels afraid of beautiful women. Usually, this phobia arises because he experiences trauma or bad events involving beautiful women.

5. Trypophobia

You ever goose bumps when you see holes like a wasp nest, lotus flower or donut? If so, it could be that you have trypophobia or are afraid of something hollow.

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