No Exercise Save More Dangers than Smoking - Healthy Is Smart


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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

No Exercise Save More Dangers than Smoking

This time people know that smoking harbors a great danger to health, ranging from premature aging, lung cancer, heart disease to a high risk of death. But not many know that lack of exercise also stores health hazards, even higher than smoking.

Reporting from TIME, a study published in the journal JAMA Network Open found a clear correlation between healthier life and exercise frequency. In the report, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic analyzed 122,007 patients from 1991 to 2014.

Participants were asked to run a treadmill and measured their life expectancy. Researchers found that those who lacked exercise had lower or shorter life expectancy. Conversely with people who like sports, they have a higher life expectancy or in other words, longer life.

Although it is generally known that exercise has a large influence on the length of a person's age, what is more surprising is when compared to smokers.

The study's author, Dr. Wael Jaber, said on CNN that not exercising on a treadmill had a worse effect on health than hypertension, having diabetes or even becoming a smoker.

Of course this discovery does not mean that smoking is better than not exercising. Both smoking and not exercise are just as bad, but at different levels. So, don't do both of them!

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