Foods Must Be Consumed If Your Activity Sits All Day - Healthy Is Smart


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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Foods Must Be Consumed If Your Activity Sits All Day

Having a daily routine or activity which requires you to sit all day like working in an office and sitting at a computer? Generally, the body becomes weak and powerless.

In fact, many studies show that sedentary life or sitting still in one place for long periods of time every day can make the body attacked by many serious diseases and able to shorten the age.

But if you still want to live a long life, then there are several ways that can be done so that sedentary life does not endanger health and shorten life. One of them is managing your diet.

Reported from TIME, there are several foods that must be consumed if sitting every day for hours. That food is ...
  1.     nuts
  2.     olive oil
  3.     garlic    green tea
  4.     avocado
  5.     sea ​​food

There are many companies or corporations that apply more than 8-10 hours of work. This is what can be done. Not only increases inflammation in the body, sitting throughout the day also makes the body more hungry, causing high blood pressure and rising blood sugar. The general body will also be more easily tired, aches and pains all.

These foods contain nutrients that can fight and reduce inflammation in the body and relieve pain so that the body stays healthy even though it is required to sit all day.

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