Health - Healthy Is Smart


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Sunday, October 28, 2018


Health is a state of prosperity from the body, soul and social that allows everyone to live productively socially and economically.
Health care is an effort to prevent and prevent health problems that require examination, treatment and/or treatment including pregnancy and childbirth.
Health education is the process of helping someone, by acting individually or collectively, to make decisions based on knowledge about things that affect their personal health, and others. An even simpler definition was put forward by Larry Green, and his colleagues who wrote that health education was a combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary adaptation to behaviors that are conducive to health. The latest data shows that currently, more than 80 percent of Indonesians are unable to get health insurance from institutions or companies in the field of health care, such as Access, Taspen, and Social Security. Groups of people who are considered 'neglected' in terms of health insurance are those from the small community and traders. In health services, this problem becomes more complicated, because in health care management is not only related to several groups of people, but also the special nature of the health service itself.
Body health
According to WHO (World Health Organization), Health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not only the absence of disease or weakness.

Mental health
The World Health Organization describes mental health as "a good condition where a person is aware of his abilities, can face normal stress, can work productively and pleasantly, and can contribute to his community." Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness and mental health problems, not a mental illness. Mental illness is described as 'a spectrum of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral conditions that intersect with good social, and emotional, and life and productivity of society.' Suffering from mental illness is serious, temporary or permanent, from the function of one's soul. Other terminologies include: 'mental health problems', 'sick', 'disturbed', 'mental health problems', 'illness', 'disorder', 'dysfunction'. (Hungerford et al. 2012). About a quarter of adults aged 18 years and over in the United States are diagnosed with mental illness. Mental illness is a major cause of disability in the United States and Canada. For example, schizophrenia, ADHD, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and autism. Many teenagers suffer from mental health as a result of the pressure of the social environment, and the social problems they face. Some adolescent mental health problems are depression, eating disorders, and drug use. There are many ways to prevent mental health problems from happening such as good communication with your children/teenagers who suffer from mental health. Also, that mental health can be cured, and pay attention to the behavior of your children.

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